Parenting a child with special needs can require much out of a parent. It can strain careers, marriages, relationships with other children and make self-care an unfamiliar or impossible feat.
- Anxiety
- Autism
- Depression
- Developmental Disorders
- Eating Disorders
- Learning Disabilities
- Oppositional-Defiant Disorder
- Suicidal Ideation
Serving as a primary caregiver to a child with one of the above diagnoses can be stressful and overwhelming at times. Still, it is critical to manage stress healthily or it can lead to debilitating burnout. A few healthy coping mechanisms include individual or group therapy, exercise or meditation. Whatever a parent’s chosen tactic, it’s important to be consistent with it to reap the benefits.
In an effort to assist, Victress is now offering a support group for parents of children with disabilities. Topics will include
- Self-care
- Developing alliances between parents
- Reframing techniques
- Building independence in children
- Social challenges
- Special education services and resources
- Recognizing parental limitations.
The support group will provide parents with a forum to discuss unique challenges and effective solutions openly with those in similar circumstances.
To register for this support group, please call 708-428-2527 or e-mail [email protected].